Behind the Scenes: Effort Committed to Homecoming by ASB

By Lilly Martinez

October 15, 2024

MBHS ASB does a lot for our school. From planning events to encouraging school spirit, they do it all. The ASB Leadership class is advised by Laura Van Zee. Several students in the class said that when it comes to planning and organizing events it’s, “about a 90% to 10% split” with students doing the majority of the work. 

The leadership roles these students are taught to manage professionally are exemplary for what all students should strive to be. They must hold themselves to high standards and be thoughtful when following through with addressing students, faculty, and those surrounding them.  

On campus, especially the week preceding homecoming, we can see the vigorous effort put on by the students involved in ASB. What non-participating students miss is the multiple months it takes to make this event possible. 

According to junior Aesa Vidati, the earliest planning stages of the homecoming happen in July when they book the DJ. About a month and a half before the events, they reserve lighting and similar items. Following that, the students have a month to order the decorations and anything else they may need as well as plan the design and layout of the spirit week and dance. 

Decorated gym on the day of the dance. (Shot by Nate Landwehr)

“It requires a lot of imagination at the beginning and a lot of follow through at the end,” says Vidati.

The ASB workroom during the execution of backdrops and decorations for homecoming is a mix of chaos and organization. There is definite intention to where things are and why they’re there, but upon first glance can seem like an explosion of paint and balloons just occurred. It’s an exciting environment and the hard work of students is absolutely apparent. 

It is incredibly important to recognize and appreciate the time ASB students put into hosting exciting events, like homecoming, for our campus. It often cuts into their breaks at school and free-time after, but they keep a positive attitude and don’t mind the extra work it takes to make these functions successful. 

Homecoming is not the only event these students have planned; they have many responsibilities they’re accountable for at once. The busy schedules of ASB students seem exhausting but rewarding. Seeing and hearing positive feedback from the student body is what they strive for.