Representatives for Colleges Around the Country Visit MBHS

by Sammy Nishihama 

October 22, 2024

As college application season starts, more and more students are needing information about college opportunities available to them. Luckily, MBHS hosts college representatives from schools around the country, from schools part of the University of California system, such as UC Santa Barbara and UC Santa Cruz, to out-of-state universities such as Southern Utah University and Syracuse University. The counseling department at MBHS is providing opportunities for students currently applying to college, as well as upcoming applicants. 

Our college and career counselor, Julia MacIntosh, is the person behind all of these visits. She does everything from scouting out representatives  to arranging their visit on campus. “Last year I was actually reaching out to the reps. I was doing all the leg work, going onto the college website and finding who our rep for our area was, because every college has like a regional admissions representative,” MacIntosh said, “I was going online and finding out who that was and then reaching out to them that way.” 

The representatives from each college are the designated representative for our region, meaning that not only are they available to provide information and resources to students, but they are also the person who is reading each student’s application. “Having that person on our campus as a resource, I think is really vital to our students, and just for students to learn about different opportunities that maybe they didn’t know existed,” said MacIntosh. 

Students at the Willamette University presentation (Photo Credit: Julia MacIntosh)

While these visits are available for all grade levels to attend, grades 9-11 will benefit greatly from attending them. MacIntosh said, “I think it’s really important for students to come in those first three years of high school, ask questions, learn about different financial aid and all the different things so they can feel more prepared going into senior year.” Students who attend these visits can gather information about schools they are interested in, preparing them for their senior year college applications. 

Coming up, MBHS is hosting many in-state and out of state schools. On Monday, Oct. 28, Oregon State University and CSU Monterey Bay will be on campus. Tuesday, Oct. 29, MBHS will be hosting University of Redlands, Southern Utah University, and Cal Lutheran. If you are interested in attending any of these visits, go to your counseling Google Classroom to sign up.