Vena's Movie-Making Adventure 

By Miya Gonzalez 

May 22, 2024

Vena Fryer is a freshman enrolled in a Spanish 3 class this year. In her class she was assigned to make a movie. She worked very hard to contribute to the process of making a movie and put lots of effort into writing the script. She also decided to enter this film into the film festival.

Every year at Morro Bay High school there is a film festival where people make films to submit into the festival. Everyone hopes that their film will make it to the round where the whole school can go and watch them in the theater and vote for the best one to win. Only a couple of films for each category make it into the film festival. 

Vena had the idea to set the movie in Ireland and started writing a script about two families. In the movie, the two families are warring to fight for control of the island. The main plot of the movie is that a member from one of the families betrays her cousin and switches sides. In the movie, Vena is a part of one of the families and Nali Milne and Kirra Doherty are the family that she is fighting against. 

Vena’s group members helped her film on their phones and one of them borrowed a camera to film some of the scenes. Some of the places that she filmed the scenes were at the beach, grassy areas around campus and at a classmate's house. 

Vena put so much hard work into writing and filming this movie. She worked with her friends and her group and they were satisfied with how it turned out. Vena is dedicated, ambitious, always contributes to group work and had lots of fun filming the movie. Vena said, "my favorite part was getting to film it with my friends and watching it come together with the music and editing. Nali did an amazing job editing the film."