Fresh - A Short Film by Sid Christensen

By Lilly Martinez 

June 4, 2024

Sid Christensen is a senior at Morro Bay High School. They have been involved with film at the high school since their sophomore year when they took the Intro to Multimedia class. However, Christensen has had a love for film since they were young. 

They often use Youtube to find interesting video productions. Christensen has a special appreciation for the app, because that is where they found videos about producing their own films. While speaking of their interests, they mentioned, “I really like obscure indie films the best.”

Christensen entered their short film Fresh in the 2024 MBHS Film Fest competition under the horror category. Fresh is about a pizza parlor that secretly uses human meat as their topping. Much of the inspiration for the film comes from nineties slasher films, with each minute as shocking as it was unsettling. In their free time, Christensen works at Round Table Pizza, so finding the location for the film was simple. As for actors, coworkers of Christensen either requested to be involved with the film, or kindly agreed to help out. Maddison Day, the main character in the film, is also a student at Morro Bay High School. 

Christensen, beyond talented for a high school student, produced, directed, and filmed the short film as a solo operation. With beautiful camera work and editing, Fresh was a production adored by the entire audience on the night of the Film Fest. Christensen won first place in the horror category, and won the Pirates Choice award, which is extremely impressive, as this was the first film they’d ever submitted to the Film Fest.

Still young and stumbling their way through life, Christensen is unsure if film is something they’d like to pursue in the future or just continue as a hobby. Despite not being positive of what the future holds for their career, Christensen is taking an audio production class this fall, which will provide helpful knowledge for future films they may want to produce. 

Adored by their peers and by staff on campus, Christensen absolutely deserved this success. Hopefully, this same level of success, if not greater, follows them through their future.

To watch the short film, click here