Gen Z is Attempting to "Revive" 2020

It’s not uncommon for teenagers to obsess over nostalgia, there’s countless posts on social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok from Gen Z creators reminiscing on their childhood. As adolescents tackle the challenges of growing up, these posts become a source of comfort and security. Recently, there’s been a surge in posts on TikTok trying to make 2025 the “new” 2020. Gen Z users are reinstating old trends, popular songs, and customizing their account to recreate their online quarantine experience.

Along with social media trends from the age of COVID-19, TikTok has run rampant with fashion that dominated the younger generation four years ago. “Alternative” style was the most popular form of expression in quarantine, characterized by an abundance of accessories and hair dye. Many young creators have expressed their lingering attachment to the style, along with their desire to return to it. One anonymous freshman here at MBHS said, “It was more vibrant. Clothing now is all sort of dull.”  

Other Morro Bay students had plenty to say about the 2020 “revival.” When asked if they plan to participate, Seniors Dylan Chappell and Danae Looper said, “I might, honestly,” and, “Hell yeah,” respectively. They went on to elaborate on their feelings towards the quarantine experience and the aspects they miss as they reflect on the unusual year. Looper said, “People could be as chronically online as they wanted to be.” Similarly, Chappell said, 

"I miss the lack of judgement. The whole thing is about judgement. I felt so free back then."

A plethora of teenagers resonate with Chappell’s statement; many felt more free during lockdown, despite the literal restraints. Junior Acacia Mayo said, “I really miss how free I felt in 2020. I really felt like I could hide behind a screen.” As soon-to-be adults continue to reminisce on their year of viral videos and diseases, it becomes more and more apparent that what they miss is not the lockdown itself, but rather the sense of individualism it provided them, the freedom to be authentically themselves without a care in the world.