MBHS’ New Tardiness Policy Demonstrated Around Campus

by Ava Schmidt 

February 25, 2025

This semester, MBHS has implemented a new tardiness policy, which is supposed to slow the amount of tardies that are occuring throughout campus. These tardies disrupt class, as well as teach students bad habits. This policy is  if you are late to three or more classes within a week, you are asked to participate in campus beautification, such as cleaning gum off the floors, or picking up trash around campus. 

Students have many thoughts that are circulating around the new policy, and as we are nearly two months into the semester, they have been adapting to the recent changes and have been realizing the new desire to be on time to class. “It makes sense to have consequences for the people who are late every day, and the people who consistently come to class late will not be disrupting class and learning more,” says freshman Sunny Stoneman. 

The new policy has been showing some results as students realize the consequences of what will happen if they are late. “I think that this policy is a good idea because it will make sure that students are on time to class, but so far students are still coming in late.” said junior Maggie Appel. However, if you are coming in late to class, and your tardy has been excused, it doesn’t add to your three tardies a week.

“The policy will have an effect on the amount of tardies because it provides a consequence to the students who are late, and it makes them realize their mistake and how the policy will benefit them in the future,” said an anonymous student. 

This policy will provide a consequence for the late students and it will teach them how to manage their time appropriately. Such as, if you are driving yourself to school, and you know that the traffic is bad getting off the highway, then you would leave your house earlier in order to be to school on time. Time management is something that students should learn while they are still able to make mistakes during school, because it allows them to not make the same mistake when they get a job, unless they already have one, then it helps them be on time for work.