The MBHS Parking Problem 

By Phaedra Fernflores 

December 20, 2023

Every morning and afternoon, parents and kids alike struggle with drop offs, parking, and  general chaos and traffic of the Morro Bay High School parking lot. So, the question must be  asked. Why? 

Well, there are many problems with traffic control and the non existent parking system here at MBHS, to start; the student parking. There isn’t designated labeling indicating where students should park and what spots are only for staff. Things also tend to get pretty crowded with all these students and staff parking in the same lot, students and staff alike would probably find their life to be a lot easier if there was more separation between where they park. Upon looking out at the parking lot it is nearly impossible to tell which cars belong to students and which ones belong to staff. More sectioning off and a designated staff and student lot could be a lot nicer for both. 

Another problem that people have to face on a daily basis when in the MBHS parking lot  is the traffic. There aren't very many options once you pull into the lot at drop off times,and  there is one long line of cars that usually stretches all the way out to the road. Things can get pretty difficult because of the long lines at drop off time, people trying to pull in or out, or people dropping off or picking up, all from the same line of cars. To add to this we have kids trying to walk or bike to and from school who also have a hard time getting out or into school because of the reckless driving we sometimes see as a result from the crazy car lines.

With so many new drivers trying to get to and from school, shouldn’t there be someone directing traffic? New drivers don’t necessarily know what to do in these very busy car-filled situations so it would be very useful to have someone to make sure all cars are going in the right direction and that people don’t do reckless things while driving because they are in a rush. We’ve seen this many times and someone directing traffic could also help make sure all the bikers and walkers get by safely. 

Overall, between the confusing parking system, long lines, and reckless driving, the MBHS parking lot is hardly a place fit for new drivers, teachers just trying to get to school, or kids biking and walking to school, and something should be done to fix that. It would diminish a lot of the stress and reckless rushing we see in this parking lot every afternoon and morning and would in general just be a good idea.