Phaedra Fernflores
Here’s the “pitch”: How Phaedra Fernflores Balances Soccer and the Arts
By Lucas Huss
Phaedra Fernflores, a self-described introvert, is a sophomore at Morro Bay High School and in her one full year has by no means been inactive in the extracurricular activities on campus. Namely, the drama program and the girls’ soccer team.
“It’s kind of hard,” Phaedra says, “being two things that I love.”
Phaedra has lived in the Los Osos area all her life, leading her to get involved with the local soccer scene. One of her strongest role models in this particular “field” is her older sister, which sparked a friendly rivalry that inspires Phaedra to always do her best. Phaedra says that her soccer team is very welcoming and “really makes you feel like you belong there.”
While Phaedra wasn’t perfect in managing her time between countless assignments and activities last year, she is making an effort to improve her time management by writing down assignments in a planner as she gets them and planning out how much time she spends on different activities, be it acting, soccer, or even homework.
After the initial interview, I interviewed her director, Ms. Kostecka, about Phaedra’s involvement in drama.
I asked how she thought Phaedra was doing on the topic of time management and she replied that she was improving. In the fall production of Arsenic and Old Lace, Phaedra played Martha Brewster, one of the most time-demanding roles in the show due to how often she’s onstage doing something. Kostecka described Phaedra during the process as “stressed and overwhelmed schedule-wise a lot.” Not only this but Arsenic was Phaedra’s first high school performance, which was not easy to balance with the sudden jump in academic difficulty.
Phaedra is now a year older, and with that has gained wisdom and skills in time management and in life. Despite the hardships she faced last year, she believes strongly in her motto, “You can always make time to do the things that you love.”
Phaedra Fernflores | March 7, 2024
Phaedra Fernflores | December 20, 2023
Phaedra Fernflores | December 19, 2024
Phaedra Fernflores | October 24, 2023