Miles Kennedy, A View of MBHS from a Freshman
By John Holguin
December 20, 2023We are already halfway through the year and time is flying by fast. But how has the school year gone so far? How has the school year gone from a student perspective? This is a perspective from a freshman student, Miles Kennedy.
Miles, 14, is a very interesting person to talk to, and is also a really good person and student. He has a good mindset and is always set on getting better everyday. Miles is a student athlete, and he plays goalie for the boys JV water polo team. He also plans to swim this year during the spring and play soccer next year.
But with Miles’ great mind and thoughts, what does he think about Morro Bay High School? When asked if he likes Morro Bay high School, his response was, “I do like it in general, but there are a couple things that could see improvement. However I really do appreciate the quality of the art and engineering programs”.
Miles gave great input and even stated there are things that he would like to see improved since he's been at Morro Bay High School. e stated, “I would make nutrition 5 minutes longer because I always find myself with a half eaten parfait walking into Mr Spahr's 3rd period Spanish class.”
This is not a bad idea from Miles, and it kind of goes to show his experience so far since he's been at MBHS But how has his experience as a whole been? Miles said, “it’s been ok, it hasn’t been special but the overall vibe and community is much better compared to Los Osos Middle School.” It’s always good to see that there is improvement between high school and middle school.
How does Miles put up with high school and its challenges? Miles stated that he has the ability to maintain information, and has the mentality to do his best work. Miles is also very academically talented and is a good student all around. He works hard everyday and tries to make the best of everything while at Morro Bay High School. Miles is a great person and will continue to be a great person for a long time to come.