Rebecca Biskaduros: A Woman Who Turned Her Passions Into Her Work

By Nali Milne

January 8, 2024
Sea + Green (Photo credit: Kathe Tanner, SLO Tribune)

Rebecca Biskaduros grew up in Massachusetts, in a small town 40 minutes from Boston. She went to college at University of Vermont, where she met her husband, Jay. The two moved around to places like San Diego and New Jersey, and then settled in California with their two children.

While in New Jersey, before the move, Rebecca opened her shop. "It was very small, it was like five-hundred square feet, so most of the time Willa's (her eldest daughter, 16 now) been alive,  so sixteen years on and off we've had the store,” Rebecca tells me.

When they moved to California, they took that shop with them and opened it in Cambria, on 2380 Main Street. "Sea + Green" is open Sundays through Thursdays, 11-5, and Fridays and Saturdays 11-5:30.

It's a "collective of vintage + handmade goods inspired by the sea + rooted in nature," as written in the shop's Instagram biography, which you can find under the username of @seaandgreenhome.

When you first walk in, you immediately feel at home. There are plants everywhere, a very nice and natural scent fills your senses, and everything around you is pleasing to the eye. Rebecca says, "I like to do, like, installations seasonally. Change the space and make it more of an artist space to walk through, or feel like a home." She succeeds in both.

Rebecca and her husband, Jay, in the shop (Photo credit: Kathe Tanner, SLO Tribune)

As I walk through the shop, I find myself in awe of all the pieces of art and just how much catches your attention. Simply strolling around the shelves and the different rooms can keep you entertained and transfixed for a good while.

"Also,” Rebecca continues, "supporting local artists 'cause I like to support other artists that make things or makers. It's a nice partnership and supporting the community too."

Rebecca's love for art and designing spaces to be comfortable and homely are both combined into a beautiful store. Her distaste for things like single use plastic makes it so everything in the shop is sustainable and well produced.

Rebecca studied environmental sciences in college, and thinks that she ties in nature a lot in the shop. She loves natural elements for homes, and things that are clean for your body. All of this is very apparent in the shop and how she runs it, and I think we could all take a page out of her book. After all, turning your passions into your work means you’ll never really be working.