The Power to Help Others: The Story of Daniel Parra

By Tyler Patel 

February 23, 2024

Daniel Parra is a senior who stands out as the guy who effortlessly brings a smile to everyone’s face. He is known by everyone as a genuine person. Daniel is an outgoing individual with a good sense of humor who effortlessly creates a fun atmosphere wherever he goes. His jokes make him the go-to person for a good laugh. 

Daniel spends his time watching anime shows such as Naruto, One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, and many more. In his free time, he builds a lot of legos to take his time off of the stress he gets from school. He has built over 25 lego sets including the lego Death Star and a replica of a Boeing 747 Plane. 

Daniel is driven by his friends and family along with the power of teamwork. Throughout his time in high school, Daniel had been involved in band for all four years. When asked what he loves about participating in a band he says, “I’m just in the band because of my friends. I’ve been doing this since middle school and I continue to do this in college.” 

I also asked what instrument he plays and he said, “Since middle school, I’ve been playing the trumpet because it is a very great instrument to learn. It took some time, but I got used to it very easily unlike the tuba.” Despite his dedication to music, one of the main obstacles he faces is stage fright. In an interview Daniel said, "One of the greatest challenges I’ve had was performing on stage in front of a large audience. I was scared that I was going to ruin everything and others felt the same way I did. Although band is a very fun activity and I am representing my school, there’s a lot of stress that goes into it.”

Outside of school, Daniel is devoted to volunteering and helping out his family. Over the past summer, Daniel got a job working as a cashier at McDonalds. When I asked Daniel about what motivates him to balance between school and his work, he stated, “I just want to help out my family, while also making money on the side. There is this car that I’ve been wanting to buy for a while now, but I always want to put my family and others first.”

Daniel Parra exhibits a well-rounded and selfless individual, as shown in his passion to help others. His commitment to band reflects a strong work ethic and perseverance, traits that will take him far in his academic career. Despite being in the process of deciding what he wants to do in college, Daniel intends to help people for the remainder of his high school year and plans to pursue music to see how far that will take him.