Tyler Patel

Tyler is a senior at Morro Bay High School. He has short black hair, brown eyes and is average height, describing himself as an “outgoing and extroverted Indian dude.” As a student, he considers himself to have “straight A’s”, but feels courses so far have been too easy for him.

His hobbies include playing basketball and tennis with friends and games like Minecraft and Gran Turismo, along with Need For Speed. He’s excited about the Gran Turismo movie that was recently released, saying “This is a movie I have been waiting for my whole life. I started playing racing games when I was younger, but now that it has become live-action, I definitely look forward to seeing it.” With his family, he has gotten into playing pickleball over the last year. He describes it as “a good bonding experience, as I got to spend more time with my family outside and everyone always has a good time.”

Another bonding experience he had with his family was on his favorite vacation cruise to Italy. Moving forward, he wants to explore more of Italy, then France, which he heard was interesting from his Mom and Grandma currently traveling in Europe. He has played Tennis and Basketball so far in high school, and likes the traveling aspect of going around the state. 

However he doesn’t want to have a career in sports, instead wanting to pursue a law degree. When asked what kind, he finds corporate interesting, though doesn’t have a company he wants to work for in particular. Subjects he enjoys at school include anything relating to law and government. He finds court cases to be fascinating, in particular the reasoning behin d them and the opinions for and against. To get into law, he is looking into an internship.

Along with an internship, this year he is looking forward to joining Mock Trial. He hopes to express himself more in and out of school. With grades, he wants to take harder classes this year. So far he is taking 3 AP classes and 1 dual enrollment course. In journalism, his goal is to improve his writing skills and be more involved in the school community.

Tyler Patel | September 22, 2023