Lucy Haydu

Freshman Lucy Haydu is a person of little words but many moments. She aspires to play her favorite sport, water polo, at MBHS and enjoys water sports because “sports in the water are harder and give me more of a challenge then other sports.” She thinks the girls on the water polo team are nice and inspire her to continue playing water polo. 

Haydu's peers have said that she is a kind-hearted, funny, and creative person. Haydu said, “my favorite class I am taking at MBHS is journalism because it's a way to express yourself or others within words.”

Haydu said that her dream job is to become a firefighter and help people around the world with the recurring issue of fires, whether that's wildfires or simple kitchen fires. Haydu said that she has dreamt of having this job for her whole life. Haydu said “I would want to work at a Subway because I enjoy the food there and would love to have an employee discount on my favorite food.” One thing Haydu is sure about is that she wants to get a job at the age of 16 because she will be old enough to drive herself there. Due to her parents being divorced and having to work all the time she would have no ride to and from her job. She primarily lives with her mother so it's either she would have to walk or wait till she is old enough to drive herself there.Haydu has always been independent and  handles harder subjects on her own, due to her mother having to work late nights at her job.

Haydu enjoys wearing beachy clothes and having colorful outfits, and she enjoys going to the beach and doing art. Haydu has said that if her dream of becoming a firefighter doesn't work out she would love to become an artist.  

When Haydu was younger she loved to hula dance. She stopped dancing due to some complications, however, she wished she never had to stop because she enjoyed hula dancing when she was younger. Haydu also wishes to own a brown cocker spaniel. Haydu works hard in school and will continue to and have the hopes of getting her dream job as a firefighter in the future.